There is a newcomer to this year’s festival: a large transparent perspex pig on a plinth, with two slots in its sides, and inside a scrolling LED sign that states, ‘This is a community fund. You can contribute to it if you like, and when you’ve agreed how to spend it, you can open me and spend it.’
Pig was conceived by artist Seth Honnor, the Artistic Director of internationally renowned production studio Kaleider. The bold new work provokes a public response while offering minimal guidelines. All choices and actions about how and when to spend the accumulated money are given to those who consider themselves to be ‘the community’.
Presented in partnership with Cork Midsummer Festival.
‘Utterly fascinating reactions from passers by. More smart work from the creators of The Money and one which puts its trust in people and thinks the best not the worst of them’- Lyn Gardner:
Sponsored by Carlow County Council.